Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Blog 5# simple machines at home.

The Screw- candy jar. This is a picture of me getting candy from the candy jar which is located in the kitchen on the counter. The lid of the jar is a screw, you can see on the second picture the rapid around incline plan on the lid.

The Lever-light switch
This is the light switch in my kitchen, in the picture i have just turned the lights off. The light switch works but stopping and starting electricity through a lever. When you turn it on the lever flips up so that the energy can go to the bulb and when you turn it off the switch barriers the electricity turning the bulb off.

The Incline Plane- car ramp

In the picture i have a soup box car i made for boy scout 2-3 years ago. i am playing with it on a ramp made out of insulater my dad had in his barn. The ramp is the incline plane allowing the car to go up onto the table and down off it with less for then normally.

The Wheel and Axle-my exercises bike

In the picture i have me training for a bike race on my moms exercises bike in our living room. The peddles are the wheel and axle allowing me to bike in place and work my muscles.

Polly-My Blinds

This is my blinds in my room. The part were I raise and lower my blinds is the pulley. How it works is when I pull the string that goes around the pulley and is connected to the blinds it raises them allot more efficiently than if I were to lift them up in place by myself.

Wedge- my Razor

Last this is a picture of a wedge and me using it to shave. As you can see there are 5 little wedges in the razor and i am using them to cut my stash in the bathroom. The razors work by cutting the unwanted hair above my lips allot easier than me pulling them out with tweezers.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blog #3 -Levers,Wheel + Axle,Pulley

In my S.T.E.M class we learned about 3 very important simple machines. The first simple machine is a lever. It helps lift items and makes work easier. The fulcrum is the middle, the effort and the load is the sides of the lever. On my diagram I made a hammer pulling up a nail, the part by the nail the load, the middle the fulcrum, and the handle the load.

Second simple machine is a pulley. A
pulley is also used to lift things and to make work easier. What a pulley is is a wheel with a rope raped around it and connected to the item you want to lift, and the other end or the rope is you pulling on it to lift the object. The object you are lifting is the load, you are the effort or whatever is pulling the pulley, and the fulcrum is the sinter of the actual wheel/pull. One important thing about the pulley is is that however many pulleys you have x2 that’s how much rope you need to pull to move it up. On my diagram I’ve shown this but with a person pulling up a heavy weight but the person is using a pulley.

Our last simple machine is a wheel and axle. The W and A is a wheel going around an axle. Notice that the wheel doesn’t have to be a circle it can be a square or rectangle but as long as it can move around the axle. There is no effort or load on the W and A but there is a fulcrum, and it is the middle or axle. On my diagram I have show a steering wheel, the wheel the wheel and the part connected to it the axle.

S.T.E.M Fashion Show.

In my S.T.E.M class we did a project runway fashion show, except the items we were wearing were made out of simple machines. What I made got me a 2nd place title but I am still very proud. I made 4 items using junk, glue, sparkles, and simple machines. First thing I crafted was a belt made from electrical wire and an old computer mother board chip. In the mother board was small conductors that were wedges. The MB had holes in them were I glued the wires in and then for the belt I rapt the wire around my waist and in the other holes on the other side. Next was my MB ring, it was made from a smaller MB. The ring had wires connected to it so I just made a loop with one and glued it to itself making the ring. For my third item I had a necklace made from a washing machine part. On the part it had wedges and levers, and lots of glitter!!! Last I had a pair of screw rings (Ear rings made of screws). I think you know what simple machine was in there. To make them all I did was put a lil bit of glue in where the screw drivers head would of went and stuck the needle in the glue until it dried for a fabulous and creative pair of ear rings!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

About Me

Hi my name is Carter.

I go to Crestview High school. I have a brother named Alex. I like playing video games preferably on the X-Box 360. My favorite games are Fable (1,2,3), Fallout (3,New Vegas ), Elder Scrolls (Oblivion, Skyrim) and Mass Effect (1,2,and soon to be 3!!!!!). The only sports I play is Football and my position in football is on the line. (Guard or Tackle)
That is things about me!!!!!!!
